Studies in Photography Winter 2021
Our Winter 2021 Edition is now available!
Featuring two essays on the work of John Thomson in 1860s China by Michael Gray and "China Through the Lens of John Thomson" curator, Betty Yao alongside Frank McElhinney's look at "Annan's People", Stephen Lawson's meditation on time in the still frame image and Naomi Stewart's research into Maud Sulter's "Syrcas".
Regular features include New Contemporaries, which showcases the work of Flannery O'Kafka, Sean Patrick Campbell and Erin Semple while Writers Choice has Allan Little's discussion of "Hector Pieterson 1976" by Sam Nzima.
With a reviews section that includes Margaret Mitchell, Thomas Joshua Cooper, Pradip Malde & Mike Ware alongside much more - this issue is sure to provide enough to get you through the dark winter months.
Featuring two essays on the work of John Thomson in 1860s China by Michael Gray and "China Through the Lens of John Thomson" curator, Betty Yao alongside Frank McElhinney's look at "Annan's People", Stephen Lawson's meditation on time in the still frame image and Naomi Stewart's research into Maud Sulter's "Syrcas".
Regular features include New Contemporaries, which showcases the work of Flannery O'Kafka, Sean Patrick Campbell and Erin Semple while Writers Choice has Allan Little's discussion of "Hector Pieterson 1976" by Sam Nzima.
With a reviews section that includes Margaret Mitchell, Thomas Joshua Cooper, Pradip Malde & Mike Ware alongside much more - this issue is sure to provide enough to get you through the dark winter months.