Studies in Photography
News & Reviews
New Chair Announced - February 2024

Following on from our most recent AGM, which took place on 23rd January, we are delighted to announce that Studies in Photography has a new Chair. John Pelan took over from Alexander Hamilton who is taking a step back from leading the board so as to focus on Studies’ publishing arm and the new premises at 6 William Street in Edinburgh’s West End.
John also takes on the role of Chair of SSHoP, which is our registered charity name. John has worked in the culture and heritage sectors in Scotland for over thirty years, and is currently Director of the Scottish Council on Archives. He was vice-chair of SSHoP from 2018-2022. Below are a few words from John:
“I am passionate about photography, both old and contemporary, and am delighted and honoured to take on the role of Chair. My predecessor Alex Hamilton has worked tirelessly for almost nine years to develop Studies in Photography into one of the leading organisations for celebrating and promoting photography. Everyone interested in photography is in his debt. I am delighted that Alex is staying on the committee to act as Treasurer and to continue his work developing our publishing arm and our new premises in Edinburgh. I look forward to working with Alex and the other committee members as we continue to grow the organisation and diversify its programme of events, exhibitions, and publishing.”
And a few words from our outgoing Chair, Alexander:
'I am delighted that John has stepped into the role. He will have my full support as we move into another exciting phase for the organisation. John will bring a much-needed focus to our operation and work to build the membership of the organisation. Under his management, I will continue to press ahead with the publishing programme, as we expect to bring out two new books this year and deliver the Summer and Leaves journals.'
If you wish to reach out to John about anything regarding Studies in Photography, feel free to drop him a line at: chair@studiesinphotography.com